Submit your music

We now accept submissions via Musosoup.  This will guarantee that your track will be listened, and will increase your chance of being featured, while helping our blog stay sustainable.

The best thing about submitting via Musousoup is that your submission will also been seen by hundreds of other blogs, websites, Spotify curators and podcasters! Your song will stay there for 45 days, during which all curators on the platform can see it and, if they like it, choose to feature it. All Spotify and radio airplay offers on there are free.

Submit here via Musosoup.

You can still send tracks for consideration at: However, due to the amount of submissions we receive, we cannot guarantee that we can listen and get back to everyone, and priority will be given to the Musosoup submissions.

What we need:

  • A short bio
  • The link to your song/EP/music video (please don’t send us audio attachments in the email, streaming links only!)
  • One or two promo pictures of the artist/band
  • Links to your social media

We favour indie pop in all its forms, alternative and singer-songwriter – the quirkier the better!

Looking forward to hearing some awesome tracks!